5 countries that displays how to tackle Coronavirus and make your country covid free
These 5 countries have almost gone mask-free after effectively tackling covid-19 cases.

On one hand, where India is struggling with the second wave of Covid-19 outbreak, trying to find ways to tackle the same, many other countries have already fought the virus cleverly and even made masks a thing of the past now. Here is the list of some of the countries which have clearly made the wearing of mask non-compulsory for its citizens in a very short span of time:
◾1. The USA
The American Citizens can now enjoy life as it was pre-pandemic. The citizens have been fully vaccinated and no longer need to wear masks.
President Joe Biden announced that the citizens can happily say bye to their masks, later followed by America's Centre for Disease Control (CDC), however, the need of wearing masks in airports, trains, hospitals are not lifted yet.
◾2. Bhutan
Bhutan has emerged as a fighter country against Covid-19, even after sharing borders with two of the most populous countries; India and China.
The country had vaccinated 93% of their adult population in a short period of just 16 days. However, Bhutan, the model nation for Covid-19, is alert for a third wave, as it has happened in India.
◾3. The UK
Human contact can be an emotional deal for most people, and the UK is one of the first countries to allow that amid Covid-19. There has been the implementation of hugging rules and the hugs are called 'cautious-hugs'. It says, you can hug a fully vaccinated person without a mask, and for the non-vaccinated ones, masks are still a must.
◾4. New Zealand
Another country to bid goodbye to Covid-19 is New Zealand.
The credit for the same goes to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's efficient governance, which kept the covid fatalities as low as 26. Masks though are still compulsory public transports nationwide and on flights.
◾5. Israel
The first country to declare itself Covid-19-free was Israel and has also lifted the compulsory face-mask rule. Around 70% of the country's population is vaccinated and mask free, however, the health ministry has urged the people to wear them in large public gatherings.
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