Assam Government Launches Crusade Against Child Marriage: An Effort Towards a Better Future

Assam Government Launches Crusade Against Child Marriage: An Effort Towards a Better Future

Feb 23, 2023 - 19:50
Feb 23, 2023 - 20:51
Assam Government Launches Crusade Against Child Marriage: An Effort Towards a Better Future

India has the highest number of child brides globally, with 27% of girls getting married before 18, according to UNICEF. Assam has been no exception to this trend, but on January 23, 2023, the state government announced a campaign against child marriage, marking a significant step towards creating a better future for its children. Since the announcement, 4,235 cases relating to child marriage have been registered in various police stations of Assam, and 3,047 people have been arrested, including 93 females. However, this is not enough to eradicate the practice entirely.

The Cachar district administration has started a week-long awareness rally to inform people about the detrimental effects of child marriage, covering all the blocks of Cachar district and 13 police station areas. The rally aims to make people aware of the adverse effects of child marriage and discourage the practice, part of the government's efforts to eradicate it from the state entirely.

Child marriage is a violation of human rights with severe consequences for the physical, emotional, and mental health of children. Child brides are more likely to suffer from domestic violence, experience childbirth complications, and drop out of school. The initiative by the Assam government and the Cachar district administration is commendable, and other states should follow suit.

It is essential to create awareness among the people and work towards a society where children can grow up without fear of early marriage. Together, the government, civil society organizations, and individuals can create a better future for children, free from the scourge of child marriage.

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