Cachar Congress Slams Silchar MLA, MP as 'Spineless'; Abhijit Paul Calls Out Hindu Orgs' Silence

Cachar Congress joined the chorus of condemnation against the insult to Assam's official languages and the imposition of a language that infringes on the fundamental right to express.

Oct 27, 2023 - 03:20
Cachar Congress Slams Silchar MLA, MP as 'Spineless'; Abhijit Paul Calls Out Hindu Orgs' Silence
Cachar Congress Slams Silchar MLA, MP as 'Spineless'; Abhijit Paul Calls Out Hindu Orgs' Silence

In the wake of escalating incidents where banners containing Bengali text were torn apart in the Brahmaputra Valley, outrage continues to pour in from various quarters. Fringe groups, including the Lachit Sena, targeted Durga Puja mandaps, defacing banners bearing the Puja Committee's name or generic phrases like "Jai Shree Kedarnath." Adding to the furor were comments made by Minister Ranjit Dass during his visit to Hailakandi in Barak Valley, where he implied that linguistic tensions led to such reactions.

Cachar Congress joined the chorus of condemnation against the insult to Assam's official languages and the imposition of a language that infringes on the fundamental right to express. Abhijeet Paul, President of the District Congress in Cachar, criticized local BJP leaders, labeling them as "spineless" for their silence in the face of such incidents. He emphasized that the issue transcends language, asserting that it strikes at the core of Sanatana Dharma, questioning the very essence of Assam's cultural celebrations.

Abhijeet Paul accused the BJP of indulging in divisive politics, highlighting discrepancies in aid allocation. He pointed out the apparent bias in the Chief Minister's aid distribution policy, citing lower financial support for Durga Puja compared to Bihu Celebrations. Furthermore, he criticized CM Himanta Biswa Sarma for his perceived hypocrisy, noting Sarma's participation in Durga Puja celebrations with the Bengali community while remaining inactive as the Minister of Home Affairs when Bengali banners were vandalized, calling for consistent action and accountability in the face of such cultural provocations.

-With input from Barak Bulletin

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