Cachar: Seizure of cigarettes worth Rs 1.7 crore by BSF, among the 4 arestees 2 from chattisgarh.
Today morning, near lakkhipur area BSF seized cigarettes worth Rs 1.7 crore from a mahindra pickup.

The BSF party apprehended 4 individuals carrying 43 cartons of foreign cigarettes in a mahindra pick up near Cachar's lakkhipur area. Among these 4 individuals 2 were chattisgarh residents.
All these happened today in the early morning around 3.30 am. The BSF acting upon the information they got, suspected movements were noticed in the area loading items from Barak river to a pickup van bearing Regd no. AS01LC 1821 in lakkhipur area. Further search is going on in the suspected areas.
“The Police counted the seized cigarettes and recovered 43 Cartons x 1000 packets and 01 Carton * 900 packets : Total 43,900 packets of "Gold Flake” Foriegn Cigrattes ( made in Turkey) each packet costing Rs. 390/-. Total value of the consignment is Rs. 1,71,21,000/-( One Crore Seventy one lakhs and twenty one thousand),” the BSF informed in a press statement.
One Mahindra Supro Pickup Regd No.
ASO1LC1821, valued at Rs. 5,86,000/. Two
android used Mobile Phone valued at Rs.
18,000/- and one of used normal Mobile Phone valued at Rs. 2,000 were also seized during the operation.
"Grand total value of the seized items = Rs.
1,77,27,000/- ( One Crore Seventy Seven lakhs and twenty seven thousands)," informed BSF.
Arshad Hussain, S/O MD Hussain, Vill-
Singerband, Cachar, Assam. MD Firoz Khan,
S/O Somsur Uddin Ali,
Jaipur Raja Bazar,
P/s Lakhipur, Distt-Cachar,
Assam, Vivek Kashyav
S/o-Kamleshwar Kashyav, Vill-Bhanpuri, P/O-
Raipur, P/S-Khamrai, Chhattisgarh State and
Suresh Kumar Sahu, S/O-Sakharam Sahu, New Durga Nagar, PO- Raipur, PS-Raipur,
Chhattisgarh State.
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