Chief Minister Sarma ends 75-year VIP culture of free electricity

Chief Minister Sarma ends 75-year VIP culture of free electricity

Jun 17, 2024 - 16:31
Chief Minister Sarma ends 75-year VIP culture of free electricity
Chief Minister Sarma ends 75-year VIP culture of free electricity

In a significant move to end VIP culture, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced on Sunday, June 16, that all ministers and government officials will have to pay their own electricity bills.

"We are ending the #VIPCulture rule of paying electricity bills of government officials using taxpayer money," CM Sarma posted on X.

Starting July 1, 2024, CM Sarma and the Chief Secretary will set the precedent by paying their own power bills. "From July 1 onwards, all public servants will have to pay for their own electricity consumption," he emphasized.

This marks a departure from a 75-year-old tradition where the state government covered the electricity costs for the residences of ministers and senior government officers.

CM Sarma highlighted the financial implications of the old system, noting, "No government, no chief minister, no chief secretary – the electricity bill used in everyone's house was being paid by the state government so far from the budget."

By implementing this change, the Chief Minister aims to prevent the electricity board from increasing charges to offset losses.

This initiative underscores the government's commitment to fiscal responsibility and sets a new standard of accountability for public servants in Assam.

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