Did you know the reasons behind Charak Puja, the unique festival of Barak Valley?
Charak puja (also known as Nil puja) is celebrated during the Chaitra Mash of the Bengali Calendar and on the last day i.e., Chaitra Sankranti.

In Barak Valley, Charak puja is an enchanting folk festival which is celebrated with great enthusiasm by people, among them some are farmers while some belong to the economically poor section of the society. It cannot be performed in a house or within the boundaries, it is preferred in open grounds, fields, etc. On Chaitra Sankranti, people bid adieu to the departing year while giving warm welcome to a new year by hosting colourful programmes unique in style and fairs for children.
Charak is an ancient tradition which is performed under the active surveillance of an experienced Charak Sannyasi in the line of Charak tradition. People believe the festival will bring prosperity by eliminating the sorrow and sufferings of the previous year. Charak Sannyasis, who remain associated with the puja, retract to ascetical life; practicing self-mortifications thoroughly. They even restrict themselves to vegetarian diet and that too once in a day.
The preparation usually starts a month in advance. The arrangement team of the festival visit every house to procure the necessary items needed for the ritual with boys incarnated as Shiva, Parvati, kali locally called ‘Shiv-Gouri” who perform dance while collecting those neccesary items.
The tradition of Charak Puja is all about worshipping the Charak tree, thought to be the abode of Lord Ardhanarishwar (half Shiva and half Parvati). The day before Charak puja, the Charak tree is taken out from the river water and worshipped. The Charak tree is installed in a sacred area which is protected by fencing. The height of the tree is believed to be 30 to 40 feet.
The most Amazing part of the puja is when the people who participate in Charak puja pierces sharp hook at the bodies almost without any cut or injury. Firstly, the participants do the Shiv-Gauri dance and then sharp metals and hooks are piecered in their body without a drop of blood which literally give goosebumps. Some devotees ties hook on their backs and then flies circular path by the ropes fastened to the charak tree on one end and to the hook on the other which seems extreme painful. While some get their tongue pierced with multiple needles some dance barefoot on the burning coal but none gets hurt and not a drop of blood oozes out of any wound. Though the devotees believe that the charak puja helps one reach salvation.
While there can be various scientific reasons behind this bloodless magic, the devotees believe its all because of the blessing which helps them to perfom these extreme stunts with such ease. After puja the Charak tree is immersed in the river water, with sincere prayers so that the tradition continues year after year without any interruption. In Silchar, Charak puja is celebrated in various places like Natinaol highway, the field near India club, the field in Chandmari and some others. But people believe this puja is surely not for the weak heartened people.
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