Drunk TTE urinates on a woman inside Amritsar-Kolkata Akal Takht Express, sent to judicial custody

The GRP acted promptly and arrested the accused Munna Kumar. Further action will be taken based on the statements of the victim and her co-passengers.

Mar 14, 2023 - 17:30
Mar 15, 2023 - 16:07
Drunk TTE urinates on a woman inside Amritsar-Kolkata Akal Takht Express, sent to judicial custody

In a shocking incident, a drunk TTE(Travel Ticket Examiner) was caught urinating on a woman passenger aboard the Akal-Takht Express. The incident took place at midnight as the train was en route from Amritsar to Kolkata.

The woman who was travelling with her husband Rajesh Kumar, belongs to Amritsar. The incident happened Sunday midnight in the coach A1 of Akal Takht Express which was going from Amritsar to Kolkata, a GRP official said.

According to reports, the ticket checker, who was heavily intoxicated, stumbled into the woman’s compartment and proceeded to urinate on her. The woman started screaming in shock and immediately raised an alarm, attracting the attention of other passengers.

Passengers on the train quickly restrained the ticket checker and handed him over to the authorities upon arrival at the next station, which was Lucknow. The woman, who was traumatized by the incident, was provided with medical assistance and counselling.

Passengers expressed shock and dismay at the incident, stating that such behaviour was unacceptable and that strict action should be taken against the offender, who was identified as one Munna Kumar of Bihar. The railway authorities have launched an investigation into the incident and are working to ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future.

Multiple incidents of urination on fellow passengers have been reported from flights, especially international flights where alcohol is served. This month a student on the American Airlines’ Delhi-JFK flight was apprehended for urinating on a fellow passenger. Last year, a drunk passenger was accused of urinating on an elderly woman inside a Delhi-New York Air India flight.

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