Folkeras at Lakhipur on Bhasha Shahid Divas
Folkeras, Lakhipur, Bhasha Shahid Divas

Reported by: Samdipto Chakravarti
The Bengali Language Movement of Barak Valley was a protest against the decision of the Government of Assam to make Assamese the only sole official language of the state, even though knowing that a major proportion of the Barak Valley population speaks Bangla language. About 80% of the Valley's residents are ethnic Bengalis.In the Barak Valley region, the ethnic Bengali population consists of both Hindus and Muslims, who are almost equal in population and constitute the overwhelming majority of the population. There is also a substantial minority of native tribals and immigrants from other parts of India. The main incident took place on 19 May 1961 at Silchar railway station in which 11 ethnic Bengalis were killed by Assam police. On the occasion of bhasa shahid divas, the folkeras were invited by lakhipur bhasa shahid minar sommiti to perform. While sharing their happiness they said that they were mesmerized to see the wonderful audience and felt much grateful with the generosity and appraisal of the organisers.The folkeras begin their first performance with "Ami banglay gaan gai" and more 11 songs which included our song "bangla matri basha"dedicated to the auspicious ocassion of shahid divas.
The folkeras were cherished to receive such a warm and loving feedback from the organisers and audience.
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