Nagaland's Kohima ranked 10th among 100 smart cities in India.
It's a matter of utmost pride that Kohima is the only Smart City in the North East region.

Kohima was ranked on 10th out of 100 smart cities and was certified as ‘Enabled’ in the Data Maturity Assessment Framework 2.0.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on Friday made the announcement during the sixth anniversary celebrations of the Smart City Mission, AMRUT, and PMAY(Urban) in New Delhi. Kohima is the only Smart City in the North East region that made it to the top ten and shared the position with two other cities.
In February 2019, the Smart Cities Mission launched the Data Smart Cities Strategy, which serves as a roadmap for using data to address difficult urban challenges in 100 cities.
The Data Maturity Assessment Framework was also launched to encourage cities to strengthen their data infrastructure and facilitate them in assessing their readiness and maturity on data.
The Data Maturity Assessment Framework (DMAF) of a city or those 100 cities were analyzed based on the presence of robust policy mechanisms in the city around data governance, empowerment, protection, collaboration, and innovation, as well as the presence of empowered city officials who guide the development of city data policies, manage data governance, drive inter-departmental and inter-agency data exchange and build city data alliances.
Additionally, efficiency of the city’s data collection, usage, management, security, privacy, empowerment, collaboration, and innovation processes, as well as the quality and robustness of the city’s information and communications technology infrastructure, which included digital platforms, sensors, IoT devices, data exchanges, big data and artificial intelligence, and quality of outcomes around data driven governance, ease of living, ease of doing business, collaboration and innovation in the city was also analyzed.
Another assessment of cities regarding climate change preparedness was also released. Kohima was rated 2 Stars out of maximum 5 Stars in the Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework 2.0 in this assessment, stated reports.
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