New Guidelines for Covid19 restrictions announced, Inter-District Transport to remain Suspended
New Guidelines for Covid19 restrictions announced, Business Establishments get relaxation till 12 noon, Movements of Vehicles restricted from 1 pm to 5 am, Inter-District Transport to remain Suspended.

Assam State Disaster Management Authority issued revised guidelines for all the districts of the state on Friday.
The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) has vide order of May 25, 2021 issued directives on restrictive measures for containment of COVID-19 in both rural and urban areas across the State upto June 5, 2021.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) vide order dated 27 May, 2021 has urged the States/ UTS to continue compliance to the containment measures as envisaged in MHA order dated 29th April, 2021 till 30 June, 2021.
Whereas, the situation of COVID-19 in the State has been reviewed and observed that, though the number of COVID-19 patients and positivity rate is declining, the situation is still precarious, for which adequate containment measures for both urban and rural areas are still necessary for containment of COVID-19 across the State.
Now, therefore, in partial modification of the order issued vide Order No ASDMA 28/2021/86 dated 25 May 2021 and in exercise of the powers, conferred under Section 22(2) (h) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson, State Executive Committee of the State Disaster Management Authority. Assam, hereby issues the following directives which will be uniformly applicable across the State (both urban and rural areas) with effect from 5 AM of June 6, 2021 and will remain in force till 5 AM of June 16, 2021.
A. Curfew Hours
There shall be total ban on movement of individuals from 1 PM to 5 AM daily.
B. Gatherings
1. All shops and commercial establishments shall shut down at 12 noon on all days. 2. Restaurants, Dhabas and other eateries can entertain dine-in guest only up to 12 noon Takeaway including home delivery of food is allowed till 1 PM after which only home delivery of food will be allowed.
Restaurants operating within a Hotel or Resort can allow outside guests up to 12 noon only. However, in-house guests of the Hotel/Resort may be given only room service after 12 noon.
4. Cold storages and warehouses may continue after 12 noon. However, sale counters, showrooms etc. attached to these warehouses or cold storages shall not operate
after 12 noon, C. Work Places (government and Private)
1. All offices both Government and Non-government shall remain closed till June, 15, 2021.
2. Government/semi government officers in the rank of Deputy Secretary and above and senior executives in Non-Government sector along with their key support staff will be allowed to attend office only for emergency and essential works.
However, 1 and 2 above will not be applicable for organizations rendering Essential/Emergency Services, Law Enforcement Services and Election work.
D. Inter-district movement
All inter-district transport services and movement of people to and from other districts shall remain suspended
Other restrictions including odd- even formula for plying of vehicles, declaration of containment zones etc. as notified vide Order No ASDMA 28/2021/63 dated 4th May, 2021 for rural areas and vide ASDMA 24/2020/Pt-2/241 dated 12th May 2021 and ASDMA 24/2020/P1-2/253 dated 15th May 2021 for urban and peripheral areas, restriction on inter district movement issued vide ASDMA 24/2020/Pt-2/255 dated 17 May, 2021 and order vide ASDMA.28/2021/86 dated 25th May, 2021 and exemptions via clarifications issued vide Order No.ASDMA.24/2020/Pt-2/250 dated 13th May, 2021 shall continue to remain in force except those specifically modified by this order.
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