People from Parimal Shuklabaidya's territory express anger over unfulfilled PM Schemes

Local residents expressed their disappointment on Wednesday, highlighting the unfulfilled promises made under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and Arunadaya Scheme.

Oct 25, 2023 - 18:41
Oct 25, 2023 - 18:44
People from Parimal Shuklabaidya's territory express anger over unfulfilled PM Schemes
People from Parimal Shuklabaidya's territory express anger over unfulfilled PM's Schemes

In a display of frustration and discontent, residents of Olyanpur village in the Greater Darby Gram Panchayat area, under the jurisdiction of Bhabhi GP, have voiced their grievances about the lack of development in their region. Despite the government's emphasis on road construction and other developmental projects, Olyanpur's villagers find themselves bereft of basic amenities. The absence of suitable roads for transportation has crippled the village, making everyday movement challenging, especially for students attending schools and colleges.

Local residents expressed their disappointment on Wednesday, highlighting the unfulfilled promises made under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and Arunadaya Scheme. Allegations were raised against Regional Panchayat Pratima Sahu and GP President Pradeep Kanu, accusing them of collecting money from villagers for these schemes without delivering the promised benefits.

While surrounding areas have witnessed progress during the BJP government's tenure, Olyanpur's villagers feel neglected and ignored. The absence of paved roads compounds their woes, causing significant disruptions, especially during the monsoon season. Despite repeated pleas for road construction, the villagers' concerns have gone unanswered, leaving them disillusioned.

Additionally, the lack of access to the Prime Minister's residence, a promise made by the BJP government for all citizens by 2024, adds to the villagers' dissatisfaction. While the Assam government strives to achieve the goal of Har Ghar Jal State by 2024, Olyanpur's residents are left wondering why they are not benefiting from these initiatives.

In response to these issues, local elected representatives, including former Regional Panchayat Dilip Kumar Dhubi of Derby GP and former GP President Renuka Ri, have called for urgent attention from Minister Parimal Shuklabaidya. They have demanded immediate road construction and the resolution of other pending problems, emphasizing the pressing need for development in Olyanpur village. Villagers, including Ramkumar Ri, Shyamal Shuklabaid, Baburam Ravidas, Laxman Kal, Kanai Kalandi, Bharti Rajbhar, and Kunti Ri, join their voices in the hope of prompting swift action to address their longstanding grievances.

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