People with these blood groups at a bigger risk of covid than these : CSIR report
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has published a report which states that people with 'AB' and 'B' blood groups are more prone to Covid-19 infection, as compared to other blood groups.

In the ongoing spree of Covid-19 surge all over the country, The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has published a report which states that people with 'AB' and 'B' blood groups are more prone to Covid-19 infection, as compared to other blood groups.
Furthermore, the research also stated and people with the blood group 'O' were the least affected by the virus and most of them were seen to be either asymptomatic or had minimal symptoms.
In addition, the research report, which is based on a nationwide seropositivity survey, conducted by CSIR, specify that people who are in a habit of consuming meat are more susceptible than the ones who are vegetarian. This difference in the immune system is seen because of the higher fibre content in vegetables, which further helps to be anti-inflammatory thus, helping in post-infection complications.
The data from a sample size of 10 thousand people countrywide, had been analysed by a group of 140 doctors.
Genetic Structure Might Influence Immune system response to Covid:
Dr. Ashok Sharma, a pathologist, Agra in an interview said that everything depends on the Genetic Structure of a person. Giving an example for the same, he said that people with Thalassemia are rarely affected by malaria, similarly, instances, where the whole family gets infected by Covid-19 except for one, has been seen. All this is because of the genetic structure itself.
Dr. Sharma states that there might be chances of people with blood group 'O' to have a better immune system as compared to those with the type 'A' and 'AB' which calls for further research as well. However, this, in no way means that 'O' type people are immune to the Virus in any way and hence should not let go of the protocols.
Interestingly, commenting on this survey by CSIR, Dr. S K Karla said that this merely is a sample survey and not one peer-reviewed scientific research paper. He further added that the scientific survey should be looked into with scepticism as, without a further scientific survey as to why there is a difference of immunity amongst the blood groups, any conclusive understanding would be haste.
To add more, a greater radius of research could paint a different picture all in all.
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