Prices of goods skyrocket as vehicles stuck for days due to bad Sil-Ghy highway road condition

Prices of goods skyrocket as vehicles stuck for days due to bad Sil-Ghy highway road condition

Jun 22, 2024 - 16:34
Prices of goods skyrocket as vehicles stuck for days due to bad Sil-Ghy highway road condition
Prices of goods skyrocket as vehicles stuck for days due to bad Sil-Ghy highway road condition

Several areas in Assam, particularly Silchar, and Meghalaya are grappling with a severe transportation crisis as goods vehicles remain stuck on the roads, causing essential commodities' prices to soar.

The situation has been exacerbated by the prolonged detention of vehicles on the Silchar-Guwahati highway, leading to a shortage of goods in local markets.

Reports indicate that perishable items like vegetables are witnessing a sharp price hike due to the delay in transportation.

Furthermore, in Meghalaya, the transportation crisis has worsened, with thousands of goods-laden vehicles stranded on various roads, including the ones leading to Barak Valley.

The situation has prompted concerns over potential disruptions in the supply chain, affecting neighboring states like Mizoram, Tripura, and Manipur.

Despite directives from authorities to refrain from increasing commodity prices, some unscrupulous traders continue to exploit the situation, leading to hardships for ordinary citizens.

Authorities are yet to provide a concrete solution to alleviate the transportation crisis, leaving residents in Assam and Meghalaya uncertain about when relief will be forthcoming from the ongoing ordeal.

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