Section 144 CrPC clamped in Cachar in view of the emergency situations leading to breach of peace and tranquility in cachar.

In view of the sudden emergency, the District Magistrate Cachar has issued a number of prohibitions under Section 144 CrPC of the Indian Penal Code for the immediate prevention of disturbances of peace and tranquility in cachar district which may lead to incidents causing loss of life.

Nov 30, 2021 - 14:44
Section 144 CrPC clamped in Cachar in view of the emergency situations leading to breach of peace and tranquility in cachar.

Cachar District Mag­is­trate Keerthi Jalli has im­posed Sec­tion 144 CrPC through­out the district to pre­vent disturbances of peace and tranquility in cachar district.

Silchar, which is often called as the land of

Bhasha Saheeds, has largely remained silent

on the issue. When today, in the ocean of

silence a small island of noise emerged, the

deputy commissioner of Cachar rushed to

CrPC 144.

The order issued by the DM stated:

1. No assembly of 05 (five) or more persons

be formed at any public place or

throughfare for the aforesaid purpose.

2. No meeting procession or demonstration

be organized at any public place.

3. No person shall move in public places

carrying arms as defined under Section 4

of the Indian Arms Act, 1818 or Lathi or

any other weapon or instrument, which

can be used for the purpose of assault or


4. No person shall move about carrying

explosive or defined under Section 4 of

the Indian explosive Act, 1884 in any

public place.

5. No person shall spread rumour to the

public which may lead to any untoward


6. No person is allowed to use any fire

torches for taking up marshal in the town.

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