Social worker Swapnodeep Sen & Priya Mazumder stands for orphan kids education
Social worker Swapnodeep Sen & Priya Mazumder stands for orphan kids education.

Hailakandi :- Hailakandi's social worker and founder of Hope for gems took responsibility for education of twenty orphans kids. Recently he share some images of a kid named sujit who lost his parents in early age is admitted to five private tution.
Sujit a 16 year old kids , presently lives at woodwichi children home Hailakandi. He Is going to seat for his board exam next year. Watching the present condition of the kid founder swapnodeep sen and team admitted him to different tutions for respective subjects He has never went for tution in the past , thus base education is almost nil. Sujit was previously admitted to cgc education centre by swapnodeep so that he can attain computer skills. now swapnodeep mission is to educate all the left 19 kids and Fullfill their dreams what those kid dreamt of.
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