Son of Barak Valley Bappan Das with his Meticulous dedication, used herbal products to cure helminth infection
Last year when the world was still closed behind the shutters, Bappan used this time to learn more about things that fascinated him, and thus he developed an urge to do something for others and make his time worth it. So, he embarked on his journey to becoming a young innovator, entrepreneur and science enthusiast in a lot of ways.

Do you know that, according to World Health Organisation(WHO), about 241 million children in India between the ages of 1 – 14 years are at risk of getting infected by parasitic intestinal worms, known as Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH)?
If taken into account it makes up 68% of India’s child population, that is every 7 out of 10 children in this age group are at risk of STH infections.
Further data reveals that India accounts for approximately 28% of the total number of children globally estimated to be at risk of STH infections. These infections can have a major impact on a child's growth as if hampers the nutritional status of a child.
Generally, Albendazole (400 mg) is recommended for endoparasites to~infants ageing between 12–23 months of birth, preschool children of 1–4 years of age, and school-goer children in the age groups of 5–12 years of age (in some cases up to 14 years of age), living in areas where the baseline prevalence of any soil-transmitted infection is 20% or more among children, in order to reduce the worm burden of soil-transmitted helminth infection.
But apart from the desired medicinal effects, Albendazole may cause some unwanted side effects too, such as it visibly slows down the mobility and reduces the motor movements of kids for 2 to 3 days.
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, or temporary hair loss may occur too in some cases.
After witnessing all these serious implications of the medicinal drug, Young entrepreneur Bappan Das took it upon himself to find a herbal remedy, which can cure the worm without causing any harmful side effects.
And as determined Bappan was, he soon found one such tree he hoped to find.
Although the name of the tree remained a mystery to Bappan Das, nevertheless he submitted the sample of his herbal medicine for the Twelfth National Biennial Competition in National Innovation Foundation, India.
You will be surprised to know how scientific and calculated Bappans's approach was!
At first to test the safety and efficacy of his herbal solution he tested the medicine on Cows.
And when the medicine showed signs of no adverse effects on Cows, he started his medicinal trials on humans with a minimal amount of herbal medicine.
Bapan is a final year of a law student.
Last year when the world was still closed behind the shutters, he used this time to learn more about things that fascinated him, and thus he developed an urge to do something for others and make his time worth it.
So, he embarked on his journey to becoming a young innovator, entrepreneur and science enthusiast in a lot of ways.
This herbal medicine is a great alternative to Albendazole.
Bappans's sample is accepted by the National Innovation Foundation and even though they're working on it, still the scientific name and family of the herb (specifical tree) remains unknown.
Entrepreneur Das, in his documentations, has included all details of the herbal medicine, also the names of the persons on whom he tested the medicines and the quantity of medicine administered.
The processes of finding a herbal medicine, testing it, getting it approved, producing in enough quantities and finally making it available to the people are quite a time-consuming process, and it requires a great deal of patience & dedication.
But our Silcharian Entrepreneurial boy Bappan is determined to get this thing going on and fulfilling his goal to help people and reach out to a greater section of the population with his unique solutions.
His only motive is to bring people closer to nature and help them uncover the truths and benefits it has stored in its reserves.
Finally, Bapan Das believes that the more people will learn about his initiative, the more people will come out in his support and more people will be willing to help others.
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