Students Wing of Silchar replies to Mizoram's unethical behaviour: Held Massive protest in front of Silchar's Mizoram office.
Students Wing of Silchar replies to Mizoram's unethical behaviour: Held Massive protest in Silchar's Mizoram office.

Jointly reported by our correspondents Subhash and Swarup.
Silchar: The city of Silchar saw the unity of the student society irrespective of the party organization. In the heart of Silchar city, students of various colleges rallied and roared against the Mizoram government and also slammed the Chief Minister of Assam for his remarks. The students' protest program started at Rangirkhari Point. They proceeded towards Mizoram House with Mother India Jayodhani. At the roar of a large number of students, the people next door came out of the house and gathered in front of Mizoram House.
The students started chanting slogans against the Mizoram police and the Mizoram government. Warning the Mizoram government on behalf of the students, Shubhashish Chowdhury said, "Hon'ble Chief Minister Mahasaya has said that we are willing to die, but Mizo, we will not shoot at those who are our compatriots. Mizo made a stand at the border with the Assam police and if Mizora fired, they would not leave an inch of land in Assam, nor would they fire back. "
Shubhashish further said that the Assam government should set up watchtowers on permanent bunkers, densely populated and forest department lands along the border, which are guarded by the Commando Battalion, to prevent such intrusions in the future.
On behalf of the students, Rohit Chand said that Jedharan's outburst was seen on social media by Mizos, which is highly reprehensible after the killing of Assam Police and those involved in the killing of Assam Police should be brought to justice soon. Rohit shouted that if the Mizo government did not move from Assam, the Mizoram House in Silchar would be closed to the Mizoram and that the Assam government should end all ties with the Mizoram government until the situation was resolved.
Snehal Chakraborty said that the Mizoram police and the Mizoram government are inciting those from India who are trying to destroy the UK infrastructure in India against Assam. Assam's forces are being attacked with weapons, which will mark a black chapter in India's history.
'ABHA' leader Basudev Sharma also joined the movement to encourage the students. He said Mizoram had made a concerted effort to damage India's federal structure. He warned Mizoram that if they did not fix their position soon, all road ghats would be closed and all their supply lines would be cut off from Barak. "On one hand, they will take away the necessities from us, again they will occupy our place, it is not possible to accept that in any way and the Assam government also needs to take steps in this regard," said ABHA Leader Basudev Sharma
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